Nafdac Approved | Professional Doctors ProducedOver 736+ Tested And Treated

Guaranteed Diabetes Remission Treatment That Instantly Controls BLOOD SUGAR level & REVERSES Diabetes Within 3Weeks.

→ Are you tired & frustrated from no improvement, Everyday life of sickness & pains… 

→ Burned out from everyday doctors appointment & constant insulin monitoring

→ Irritated & angry with the fake-empty promises of online sellers lies & stupid ridiculous claims that their product will reverse your diabetes?

I’m sorry they lied to you, deceived you and took your money


We’ll REVERSE IT & Take it to level of diabetic remission (at the point you can hold normal blood sugar levels without medication) or we refund you with apology for it not working

Revealing To You Our Ancient Natural Herbal For Type 1, Type 2 Diabetes Treatment For Those Tired Of Being Sick


If you are tired of being sick and managing life of diabetes, then this is for.


This treatment is REMISSION, You can restore and balance your sugar level that you no longer need medication to continue enjoying your life..

And, if your diabetes sickness (disease) has reached or resulted to other complications like –  Diabetic Foot | Glaucoma | Cataract | Stroke | Kidney Failure | Heart Attack …

Do not worry…

This treatment was designed for you, dedicated to first (1) – Put A STOP To Your Uncontrollable Blood Sugar Level

And Secondly (2) – Overall Kidney Cleansing, Pancreas Unclog & Total Health Restoration

So, what do you think?

→ Is this for you, or your spouse, or your parents?

→ Will you ignore or use this treatment to put an END to their Suffering?

If yes…

Then, let me tell you all ABOUT IT

Diabetes Has A Treatment That Reverses (Remits) It: Don’t Give Up Yet Just Because You Haven’t Found it

My Dear Brother, Sister, Aunty, Mummy or Daddy Reading This…

I understand your agonizing pain of being sick with diabetes for long (everyday life of sickness).

Failed countless medications, endless doctors/nurse appointment.

Hospital smell, needles and always checking to reduce sugar level count.

— Your disappointment from online products with fake-empty promises, waste of money, time, effort and energy.

I swear, I understand you pain and frustration.

Truth be told…

Health is the most important in this life – because in your sickness, you’re deprived the beauty of life, you just want to be healthy again.

You would do anything to get back to your feet, even the doctors wants to rip you off, medical line don’t really care about you 100%.

That’s why someone will be sick of malaria and takes drugs to heal it – the drug has side effect (which requires another drugs to treat)…

The circle continuous like that – continuous rip off, its just money money for them.

Some are worst; they don’t even care if you’re dying – something they are supposed to pay attention to & don’t give up on treating…

They will just file Operation(Surgery)Cut the leg off, remove the kidney, the eyes can’t work again

They give up on you even before you find hope to survive.

Pay Attention To Nature, Herbs, Roots & Diets: If You Know It, You’ll Be Sickness Free For Life

Dr Sebi…

A Renewed Herbalist Healer – for over 30yrs+ plus taught and healed countless of diseases, patients with Nature, Herbs & Diets.

He worked & treated Michael Jackson during his life, on MJ’S drug addiction (Demerol & Morphine)

He claimed & Cured AIDS…

Licensed doctors & agencies fought against him saying he was operating without license

NOTE: Not that his use of herbs, plants, roots an diet doesn’t work…

No; just because he was spoiling business for them, – all led to his death

I will stop here, read up about him

American Rapper – Nipsey Hussle brought his case up years after his death

Now, you understand the power of herbs, roots and plants 

There’s treatment to every illness you just haven’t found it

Here is the treatment for your Type 1, Type 2 Diabetes


Glucovam Diabetes Solution & Body Detox, Kidney Cleanse, Pancreas Unclog Herbal Tea

With Glucovam, you can now…

  • STOP worrying about your legs being cut-off due to diabetes 
  • STOP worrying about your blood sugar always spiking up
  • STOP those crawling and burning sensations around your body especially your hands and feet
  • And START living the life you were meant to live because you won’t be lonely anymore. 

You see….

Since we started using Glucovam on our patients 3 months ago…

The results have been incredible.

In fact, we have lost count of the amazing testimonies I have received so far.

And because I have finally had the guts to release it on the internet for the first time…

I’m damn sure…in 3 weeks from now..

Call/WhatsApp: 09169609898

You’ll Join The Other 736+ Patients of Mine Jumping For Joy & Goodness Of God

Lets take David Okoye for example who was fed up after 7 years of battling with diabetes.

But after giving Glucovam a try, he wrote back one month later to say…

Doc, for the first time in 7 years, my blood sugar level has not crossed 87. I hope this is not a dream.

David Okoye

Ilorin, Kwara State

I can’t forget Joy Asemota whose diabetes was beginning to affect her vision.

She took lots of insulin shots and even Metformin all to no avail until she came across Glucovam.

Here’s what she sent me after 2 weeks of using Glucovam

Doc, it hasn’t been 3weeks like you said but the changes are just incredible. I never thought I would be able to see clearly again like I do now. Indeed my journey from Kogi state to come see you in Kwara was worth it. Thank you so much.

Joy Asemota

Lokoja, Kogi State

Even James Adekunle was not left out.

I felt the joy in his voice when he called me 3 weeks ago to say:

My dad is so happy for the first time in 11 years. If anyone had told me his diabetes will finally become a thing of the past where I don’t have to buy drugs anymore, I would have punched that person right in his face. I don’t know what is inside Glucovam doc, but whatever it is, this drug shouldn’t be hidden with you.

James Adekunle

Asa, Kwara State

And as you read on…

You’ll get to see many others just like you, who for the first time, are now living the life they were born to live.

And all you have to do to experience the FULL benefits of Glucovam is to…

Dissolve 1 PACK of Glucovam into 2 LITRES of water and take 15cl every morning before meal and 15cl every evening before meal. That’s all.


I know you’re beginning to ask:

What is inside Glucovam that makes it so powerful?

That’s what I’m about to share with you now.

Hunteria Umbellata: The Secret Remedy Nobody Knew About.

When we discovered how this secret ingredient could invade and destroy fats around the organs and under the skin.

It was a turning point for our team of professionals

However, we went ahead to check if there was any research done to compare its effectiveness with Metformin

Why Metformin?

Because according to WHO Metformin happens to be the best treatment for diabetes.

And what we found was shocking!

It was Twelve times more effective than Metformin.

What is the name of this secret ingredient?

Scientists writing at the Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management did an analysis of the potencies of Hunteria umbellata and metformin on diabetes using biometric analysis

In other words…

They wanted to know which of them was more effective.

And what they saw was incredible.

Scientists saw that it took Metformin 8 WEEKS to bring down the blood sugar level of 15 diabetic patients to between 70 and 100.

While it only took 5 DAYS for Hunteria umbellata to do so.

Now, these patients had extreme cases of diabetes yet it took Hunteria umbellata 5 days to flush out diabetes away from their system.

In fact…

In another study published at the GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical sciences, one of the most prestigious journals in the world…

Scientists tested the anti-diabetic and wound healing ability of Hunteria umbellata on wounded and diabetic rats.

After 3 weeks, the rats tested negative for diabetes and their wounds began to close up.

And when carried out on humans, the results were the same.

And I wish that was all.

3 Scientists writing for Journal Of Complementary And Integrative Medicine did an experiment to determine the erection-stimulating, anti-diabetic and antioxidant properties of Hunteria umbellata in men.

And here’s what they found.

Hunteria umbellata showed remarkable ability in fighting off disease-causing free radicals.

Brought down their blood sugar level to within normal range and restored their sex life.

In fact when it was compared to Cylicodiscus gabunensis one of the leading herbal remedy for diabetes in the world…

Hunteria umbellata still came out on top.

And several studies are beginning to show that the effect of Hunteria umbellata on hypertension is second to none.

Reason why when some of my patients began to call Glucovam a Miraculous Powder, I wasn’t surprise

You Can Now Finally See Why Taking Glucovam Will…

  • Eliminate fats around your organs and under your skin so you don’t have to worry about diabetes anymore
  • Boost your confidence and restore your sex drive as a man
  • Maintain your blood pressure so you don’t have to worry about hypertension
  • Stop the progression of heart failure, stroke, kidney and eye damage if any
  • Strengthen your immune system and give you 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

All you have to do to experience these benefits is to…

Dissolve 1 PACK of Glucovam into 2 LITRES of water and take 15cl every morning before meal and 15cl every evening before meal. That’s all.

Doc, your product is needed out there not just in your clinic. If my friend hasn’t told me about you and Glucovam, I don’t think I would have felt the way I do right now. I’m really short of words. I hope to see you next week when I visit Kwara.

Mary Okoro

Efon, Ekiti State

I have spent over #642,000 in the last 3 years battling with diabetes. In fact I was at the verge of coming down with nephropathy. But what your product did for me in 3 weeks will forever make me grateful to you. God bless you.

Musa Hassan

Ilorin, Kwara State

Right now, I know you’re beginning to ask…

How can you get your hands on Glucovam today and try it risk-free?

I’ll tell you in a moment.

You see…

The reason why I made Glucovam in powder form and not capsule is because..

Capsules Cannot Supply BIG Enough Dose Into Your Body At Once

In all the studies conducted, more than 6000mg of Hunteria umbellata was used.

And because the biggest capsule can only accommodate 2500mg of any ingredient…

We felt it didn’t make sense to produce Glucovam in capsule form.

To experience the all round benefit of Hunteria umbellata , you need 15000mg and that’s what you get with every 15cl of Glucovam you take.

And the more you take Glucovam, the better and better you become.


You see…

If you’ve read up to this point…

You’ll know this is not about me or my team but about you.

We just can’t wait to see you get better because…

It’s really hard to see you or those you love battle diabetes.

Sometimes people don’t seem to understand what it feels like to be diabetic

→ You feel lonely atimes, so scared and really tired.

→ You feel anxious because you don’t know what might happen next.

→ You can’t even eat the food you love because there are so many restrictions on what you can eat.

→ Hell, having diabetes is a nightmare.

It was reasons like this…

I Made Up My Mind To Do Whatever It Takes To Deliver Glucovam To As Many People As Possible.

And While this is possible…

It is becoming difficult to produce even a single pack of Glucovam.

Currently, it takes us 17 days to produce a batch of Glucovam because of the ultra-centrifugation process involved.

Ultra-centrifugation is a purification process that allows you to remove even the most tiniest impurities from a product.

Now, a batch contains only 105 packs of Glucovam which is quite small considering the number of people that continue to order for Glucovam every single day.

So I Usually Do Not Have Glucovam Available In Stock

And while these points are valid…

I have no intention on going back on my word.

I have made up my mind to deliver Glucovam to as many people as possible and I intend to keep it.

You see…

Because of how powerful Glucovam has been for the past 3 months…

Patients who have tried Glucovam keep coming back for more ordering for their friends and relatives who has diabetes.

Worst of all…

Because of how difficult it is currently to produce Glucovam…

Ordering for 1 sachet of Glucovam may not be a great choice for you.

And here’s why.

While the effect of Glucovam is immediate…

It takes Glucovam 3 WEEKS to banish diabetes out of your system which you have seen from the researches above.

The truth is…

The effectiveness of Glucovam decreases by 23% each time you miss a dose.

So you want to have Glucovam available to you every single time.

And when you begin to consider how Glucovam could eliminate diabetes away from your system…

Flush out your chances of ever coming down with stroke, heart failure, kidney and eye problems

Strengthen your heart, immune system and other vital organs in your body…

You’ll begin to see why my team was resolute I place Glucovam at #38,000 per pack.

And when you think about how hard it is to produce Glucovam right now plus how we frequently run out of stock…

You’ll begin to see why Glucovam at #38,000 per pack is really a big steal.

But you see, it is not about the money right now, it is about you.

It is about you getting your life back

Reason why when you place an order for Glucovam today…

You won’t be paying #38,000 and neither will you be paying #25,000.

When you place an order today…

With Just #16,500 For Complete Treatment

Here’s A Complete Breakdown When You Order For Any Package Of Glucovam Today

A1 Package

2 Packs Of Glucovam + Weigh Loss Recipe Ebook + Diet Ebook= #20,500

Delivery = #3,000 (FREE)

Now, this is crucial.

Because it takes my team and I 17days to produce 105 packs of Glucovam

We usually do NOT have Glucovam in stock.

Which means…

Once you click on the “START MY ORDER” button and it refuses to open…. DO NOT FRIT!

It only means we are out of stock.

But if you are still interested in getting Glucovam, you can call us here: 09169609898

And you’ll be added to our waiting list.

That means…when the next batch of Glucovam is out, you’ll be among the first persons to get your package.

YOUR 100% Unconditional Love-Filled 30 Days Money Back Guarantee

I know you’ve tried lots of products in the past but you were disappointed because they didn’t work for you.

So it’s only normal to be careful about the promises people make especially on the internet.

Even though I have no reason to give you a money back guarantee after showing you all the scientific research plus the reason why drugs you have used in the past failed…

I still feel it is important I take every risk from you and put it on myself.

So Here’s What I’m Prepared To Do For You

Simply click the “START MY ORDER” button below right now and order for your preferred package of Glucovam.

When you receive your package in 2 days time…

I want you to tear it open and remove ONE pack of Glucovam from it.

Then quickly dissolve the entire content into 2 litres of water and take 15cl immediately.

Relax for ONE hour and take your meal.

Then move over to your package containing 3 packs of Puritea Detox Tea.

Remove ONE pack from it and tear it open.

Then dissolve ONE tea bag inside a glass of water for 10 minutes and drink immediately.

I guarantee that once you do this…you’ll begin to feel the difference in 2 hours.

And when you do this TWICE daily for 21 days…your anxiety and fear will become a thing of the past because your diabetes will be no more.

However, if after 30 days you’re not 100% happy, if you’re not 100% convinced Glucovam delivered on its promise…

Then I want you to quickly call me here :09169609898 and ask for a FULL refund.

Because my mind will not be at peace if I keep your money.

There will be no hassle…there will be no question asked!

I told you before, this is not about me but YOU. So I’ll rather put every risk on me than put them on YOU.

So go ahead and order for your preferred of Glucovam, you’ve absolutely nothing to LOSE!


And just in case you’re thinking about how to measure 15cl.

You don’t have to worry about that because once you order your package and get to my WhatsApp…

I will show you what to do to always get the 15cl right.


It takes us 17 days to produce a batch of Glucovam and another 2 days to have it delivered to you.

So please, do not order if you’re not interested in using this product

Do not order if you know your money will not be ready by the time we deliver your package to you.

We are already going through a lot of stress…please do not add to it.

You see…

Even though my team and I are so stressed about what we are doing right now…

We Are More Excited About What You Stand To Gain Because…

We know the anxiety that comes with diabetes. Sometimes it feels like your life is over

Some days you go to bed with a normal blood sugar level only to wake up with a dangerously high blood sugar level

Worst of it all…you can’t even explain it.

There are days you don’t get the support you need from your doctor, friends and family…

So you feel exhausted and begin to think how your life changed in an instant.

It’s really hard!

Reason why in the last 3months…

We have been so excited about what Glucovam has done in the life of 527 patients of mine.

So right now…

Whatever you decide is up to you.

You Can Choose To Disregard How Glucovam Could…

  • Finally put an end to your diabetes once and for all by eliminating the fats around your organs and under your skin
  • strengthen your immune system against infections
  • Promote your wound healing if any
  • Maintain your blood pressure so you don’t have to worry about hypertension
  • Reverse diabetes complications like stroke, kidney and eye damage if any.
  • Boost your sex drive as a man with lasting erection to please your wife.

If that’s what you want despite the research you have seen so far…

I won’t get in your way. I totally respect your decision.

I only hope in a few months from now, when Glucovam may likely be no more…

You don’t look back and regret not taking action today.

Doc, my wife can’t even recognise me anymore again. She’s blown away by how good I am in bed now. If not for you, diabetes would have wrecked my entire sex life.

Nonso Obi

Ikere, Ekiti State

I was beginning to have high blood pressure due to diabetes. But it’s not there anymore. Have checked 6 times in the last one week. This is strange. Doc, whatever is inside Glucovam and Puritea Detox Tea must be unique.

Adeyemi Bankole

Edu, Kwara State

You see…

When You Begin To Consider How DIABETES Could…

  • Skyrocket your chances of coming down with kidney and eye damage which could make you spend millions in dialysis and eye surgery
  • Weaken your immune system and predispose you to lots of infections
  • Increase your chances of .amputation due to injuries that refuse to heal
  • Make you worry about your spouse and kids because of the uncertainties that comes with it…

You’ll begin to see why ordering NOW for your preferred package of Glucovam is the best decision you’ll ever make in your lifetime.

So if you don’t want to miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity…

Click on the “START MY ORDER NOW” button to order for your preferred package of Glucovam.

PS: FREE CONSULTATION: Be ONE of the first 37 people to order for the Silver or Gold package of Glucovam in the next 12 days and have exclusive access to 2 FREE consultation worth #25,000 with me.

  • If you happen to be the 38th person that orders, I’m sorry you won’t have access to this 2 FREE consultation.

PPS: FREE GIFT: Now, if you order for the Gold Package in the next 6 days and you’re one of the 37 people to order it, a FREE Glucometer worth #14,500 will be added to your package.

  • If you order on the 7th day, you’ll NOT be given a FREE Glucometer as we only have 20 left in stock. Glucometer is getting more expensive. So once we exhaust the 20 left with us, we may likely not buy again.
  • All package of Glucovam comes with my 30 days unconditional money back guarantee. So you have absolutely nothing to loose.

PPPS: APOLOGY: You cannot order for more than 6 packs of Glucovam (2 gold package) because that would be unfair to other people who are in dire need of Glucovam.

When you begin to consider we only produce 105 packs every 17 days, you’ll begin to see why we decided to implement this. If this decision hurts you in any way, we are sorry.

  • When you click the “START MY ORDER” button and it refuses to open…Do not Frit. It only means we are currently out of stock.

However, if you are still interested in getting Glucovam, you call me here: 09169609898 and I will add you to our waiting list.

So that when the next batch is out, you’ll be among the first to receive your package of Glucovam.

Dr. M. Ibrahim, MD

Illorin, Kwara State.


1) Can I pay on delivery?

Yes, you can pay on delivery.

2) How long does it take for Glucovam to start working?

Glucovam starts working immediately. However, it reverses your diabetes in 3weeks.

3) How do I measure 15cl after dissolving Glucovam in 2 litres of water?

Once you place your order, and you get your package. I’ll show you exactly what to do to get the 15cl.

4) What age can ttake Glucovam?

From 20 years and above.

5) How long will it take for Glucovam to get to me once I place my order?

It will take only 2 days.

6) Can people without weight use this product?

Yes! 100%.

This is because the position  of the fat is not detectable. whether you have weight or not, because you have diabetes…

It automatically means you have fats around you organs OR under you skin

Attention! Attention!! Attention!!!

Please DON’T ORDER if

  • You are not ready to receive the product within 1-3 days of order

  • You don’t understand what you just read about this Diabetes Treatment

  • You are just browsing through and not ready to get rid of the (Diabetes)

  • You are not financially ready. We incur costs on adverts and delivery (which is free for you). We want as many Nigerians to benefit from this breakthrough product.

  • You don’t pick unknown numbers. Our representative will call to confirm your order and schedule a delivery date. Please pick up and respond.

Call/WhatsApp: 09169609898


Now Enter Order Details Here If Your Ready Today

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